意大利seko赛高6月1日调价通知,请咨询青岛尚众电子科技有限公司 调价通知 Dear valued customer, 尊敬的各位客户,
Here at SEKO we spare no effort or resources as we strive to offer the highest-quality products to the market. Today and always, our mission is to be a trusted, reliable and capable partner for you. Seko一直不遗余力地向市场提供具有高质量的产品,我们的使命就是成为您值得信赖、可靠和忠实的合作伙伴。
During recent weeks, raw materials, energy and logistics, along with many other products and sectors of our economy, have been affected by dramatic and unforeseeable price increases. Rises of double-digits and above are now commonplace, with product costs severely and unavoidably affected as a result. 近几周以来,原材料、能源和物流成本明显上涨,另外其他生产要素也受波及,采购价格越来越不可预测,一些原材料的价格上升百分比甚至达到两位数及以上,导致我们的泵和仪表产品的成本也不可避免地大幅增加。
SEKO is working hard to reduce the impact of rising costs as much as possible; notwithstanding this, we are regretfully forced to apply a 6% increase (average) on our prices as of 1st June 2022. 我们一直尽最大努力想把原材料成本上升造成的影响降到低点,但是,实际情况迫使我司不得不做出价格调整,自2022年6月1日起上调6%。
This price increase will not affect pending orders and new orders received, invoiced and delivered before 31st May 2022. 2022年5月31日前未交付的订单、新收订单、已开票订单和已发货订单均不受此价格调整的影响。
Best regards 顺祝! 商祺! 2022年4月22日 Your Choice, Our Commitment
意大利seko赛高6月1日调价通知,请咨询青岛尚众电子科技有限公司 |